After two years of patient waiting our team has finally succeeded in reuniting in beautiful Usa River. From the 28. of February until the 5. March, the EHTZ team spent an interesting week reminding ourselves of the milestones of the past couple years, reflecting on our work and goals, fine-tuning our methodology and planning our way forward for EHTZ.
Following celebrations of our team actually meeting in person, our day moved to important reflections and discussions on the challenges of aiming to decolonize a collaborative project during Covid-19, and with the new challenges it confronts us with in relation to data collection. The next few days we were able to sharpen the focus of our work packages and reflect on them in the context of EHTZ, read fascinating draft papers, refine our survey questionnaire and enjoy presentations by our PhD students. In addition, we even managed to conduct and auto-ethnographic study, lovely evening visit to Arusha and finalize our plans for the coming fieldwork research of each work package. Finally we revisited some of the important themes from our previous days and planned our way forward for EHTZ in preparation for our current fieldwork visits.
You can read our longer description, accompanied by beautiful pictures, of our Arusha workshop here.